Everyone comes to Las Vegas to party. But sometimes that partying gets a little too wild and you end up being told by security to leave.
Hey, we’re not judging you, it happens. But you may be wondering if you can ever go back to that casino after you’ve been kicked out.
Well, that question is a bit complicated since there are many different ways you can get kicked out of a Las Vegas casino and each one has its one rules.
Plus, it depends on what you got kicked out for.
Below, we’ll break it all down so you can decide if you want to try to go back to a casino after they kicked you out.
Just remember, being kicked out of a casino is technically a legal issue, so consult a lawyer if you have any questions. This article is just for informational purposes and is not to be taken as legal advice in any way.
Getting Trespassed
In Vegas, the term police and casino security use when kicking you out is “trespassed”. If you got kicked out, you got trespassed, at least in technical terms.
Verbal Trespass
One way of getting kicked out is a verbal trespass. This is when security asks you to leave and they read you the verbal instructions for how a trespass works. Assuming you comply, they walk you out the front door, and that’s the end of it.
Written Trespass
A written trespass is usually when you’ve done something more severe. Casino security will write up a ticket, which is like a citation, and then include your name and the fact that you got trespassed. You sign it and then you are allowed to leave.
Sometimes, a Metro officer will need to arrive before the security lets you go, although this is less common.
Did You Show Your ID?
If you were verbally trespassed and never showed ID, you generally have a better chance of being able to return to the casino. If you show you’re ID, they have your information on file. The same goes if you simply told them your information.
Here’s one piece of advice. If security is asking you for ID and it’s not because you ordered a drink or won a big jackpot, it means they are about to ask you to leave. This is especially true if you know you’re doing something stupid or making trouble.
When this happens, it’s best to just tell security you are about to leave and walk out the door. You save yourself from getting trespassed and you won’t leave any information behind.
Purpose of a Trespass
A trespass is a legal warning in Las Vegas. Once you get one, it means you have already been warned and a second violation can have more severe punishments. That’s why it’s best to simply walk out if you can without showing an ID. No trespass essentially means you didn’t get a first strike.
Why Did You Get Kicked Out?
The reason you got kicked out also plays a part in whether you can return to a casino. Casinos generally take cheating and violence the most seriously. If you are cheating at a table game, that’s a serious situation and you will be put on a list and that list is shared among all casinos.
Cheaters get the most scrutiny from casino security both on the floor and in the camera rooms.
Violence is next and includes fighting or threats of violence. Do this and you are likely going to be on file and face more consequences if you try to come back.
Being too drunk and stumbling around will likely just get you escorted back to your room or asked to leave. If you’re in really bad shape, they may call an ambulance. Try to avoid this if you or your friends can as it can take hours for you to get released once security believes you’re so drunk you need medical assistance. You’re also stuck with the bill afterward.
Can I Come Back To A Casino After Getting Kicked Out
So this is the big question and unfortunately, it’s complicated.
From a completely legal standpoint, no, you can’t come back once trespassed unless you want to face more consequences.
However, if you never showed an ID and were only verbally trespassed, you aren’t on file and unless someone in security recognizes you, you won’t be noticed. This is assuming you don’t cause trouble again.
If you showed ID or got a written trespass, it’s more risky to try to return. The casino has the right to have you arrested if they recognize you. However, if you aren’t doing anything illegal or wrong, they will likely just escort you out. But you are risking a fine or a ticket.
We’ve heard of people contacting the casino and trying to get their ban lifted. This usually never works and if anything, will alert the casino that you’re trying to come back.
Finally, if you were kicked out for cheating at a game, you will almost certainly be arrested if you try to return after a trespass. Casinos have zero tolerance for cheating.
Final Tips For Vegas Casinos
The best advice is to not get kicked out if at all possible. If security does confront you, don’t argue with them. Nothing you say will change their mind. So if they ask you to leave without a formal trespass, simply walk out and go somewhere else. You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble and you can most likely return there on your next trip if you want.