Hiring An Escort In Vegas For The First Time: What It’s Really Like

A lot of guys come to Vegas with the intention of hiring an escort. For many, this will be the first time they ever try something like this. That’s totally up to you, but there is a big gap between fact and fiction when it comes to Vegas escorts and adult nightlife.

Whether or not you choose to hire an escort while in Vegas is totally up to you and we’re not suggesting you should. However, if that’s your choice, this is what you can expect based on real experiences.

Are Escorts Legal in Vegas?

This is the biggest question people have and the truth is, escorts operate in a legal gray area. Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas, but with an escort, the argument is that you are hiring a woman just to spend time with you. Anything that happens after that is simply a natural interaction between two adults.

But just understand, except for brothels which are about 2 hours outside the city, prostitution is illegal in Vegas, although it is still common and you can see it almost everywhere you go.

What Are Your Choices For an Escort in Vegas

You basically have two choices if you want an escort in Las Vegas. You can use a website where escorts advertise. The other option is to simply walk the casino and find a “casino girl” as they’re often called.

Escort Websites

This is generally the safest option if you’re a first timer. There are still plenty of scams and pitfalls, but it’s generally safer.

We have a list of common Vegas escort websites here. What you want to look for is an escort with reviews that are recent, and she’s posted on that site for some time. That generally means she provides the services she promises.

That doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a great time, but it does mean your chances of getting scammed or robbed are much lower.

Just remember, escorts with one or two reviews or no recent reviews can still be risky. Escorts can go from being honest to scammers overnight. So if there’s no review for months or years, she may have gone to the dark side.

Finding A Casino Girl In Vegas

This option is generally reserved for those with experience or those who want an adventure. Just understand that the risk of getting robbed, scammed, or worse is much higher when you go this route.

Essentially, escorts hang out at most casino bars here in Vegas. You can spot them pretty easily. Pretty much any woman dressed up and alone that’s hanging around the bar could likely be an escort. 

Very few non-escort women come to Vegas solo and sit around alone in sexy clothes. 

But in most cases, you won’t have to approach any of these casino escorts, they’ll approach you if they spot you alone.

One thing to be cautious of is a casino girl that’s too eager to go back to your room or set something up. A legit escort who plans on going through with everything will want to get a feel for who you are first.

If she jumps right into offering services, she may have other intentions in mind. She could either plan on robbing you or just upselling you. Upselling is when you pay her the initial amount, but then she claims that was only to get started and you need to spend more for additional services.

She’ll usually do this until you get annoyed and tell her to just get lost.

Overall, picking up a girl in a casino is the highest risk option when it comes to escorts. However, for last minute appointments or if you want to choose from different women, this can work.

Just use your instincts and if something feels off or too good to be true, you’re probably about to get scammed or robbed.

How Much Do Escorts in Vegas Charge?

An escort in Vegas usually charges between $300 and $1,000 for an hour. Some escorts offer half-hour meetings that can run less. While others offer “overnights,” which is basically hiring them for the whole night. They usually charge over $1,000 for these arrangements. Overall, $300-$500 is the most common range.

Some Tips For First Timers

Here are some tips to avoid turning a possibly fun night into a bad night.

Some Escorts Are “Safety Girls”

A safety girl means the escort uses a condom for all activities, not just sex. She also generally doesn’t kiss and may not allow oral sex. For some guys, this can be a deal breaker while some other guys may prefer it.

Just make sure you have some idea of her rules beforehand if you have something very specific you want. Also, you will want to have condoms handy. The escort may or may not have her own.

Don’t Be Nervous

Generally, the first time you hire an escort you’re going to be nervous. On top of making it harder to “perform”, you’ll also make the escort nervous.

Remember, the escort has no idea who you are and what you may try to do. So if you’re giving off nervous vibes, she’ll pick up on that and be nervous, which will make the night less fun and she’ll try to end things as soon as possible.

If you are nervous, just make sure not to show it and keep things as loose as possible. Trust me, you’ll have way more fun.

Using An Escort Website

If you use a website like TNA or Private Delights, it may take a while to set something up with an escort.

Some girls simply won’t respond for whatever reason. Other girls will reply a day later.

That means these sites often don’t work well for last-minute hook-ups. It’s still worth a try as some girls are sitting around with their phones ready to answer a text.

But if your plan is to get an escort from one of these sites, try to start setting it up as early as possible that same day or maybe the day before. It can sometimes take a few hours for the communication back and forth.

Remember, these escorts aren’t real businesses. Some girls are very professional, but others can be very flaky. You can text an escort and everything is going fine, then there’s suddenly a 2 hour gap in her response. It’s just the way it is and you have to be cool with it. Don’t get mad or pushy.

These days, there are sometimes deposits. You should generally avoid deposits where the escort asks you to send money in advance before meeting. These are often scams and there’s a good chance you won’t get your money back if she never shows up.

Getting Verified

Most legitimate escorts you find on a website will want to verify you. How much you want to verify is up to you based on what you’re comfortable with, but most girls will ask for some proof that you’re a normal person. Some want to do a quick FaceTime video or something.

Just be aware this is pretty normal these days. Escorts you meet in a casino obviously don’t do this, so that’s one advantage that some guys prefer.

Hotels Don’t Care if An Escort Comes To Your Room

Some guys who are new to this wonder if a casino or hotel will be on the lookout for escorts coming to your room. Honestly, they don’t care at all who you bring to your room.

But some hotels do require a card to get the elevators, so you will need to meet the escort at the casino before going up to your room.

Escorts generally like to avoid casino security, so they prefer if you meet them somewhere in the casino first so it looks like a normal meeting between two people.

Don’t Take Drugs From An Escort

If you do drugs, that’s totally up to you. But never take drugs from an escort you just met. These are often meant to knock you out so you can get robbed. A lot of shady escorts are even lacing drugs with dangerous substances that could be fatal.

I know that’s buzzkill to talk about. But never use any drugs offered by an escort.

Don’t Get Too Drunk

This is totally up to you, but just understand that if you get too drunk, you’re setting yourself up for complications when you add escorts to the mix. You can also pass out in your room, which may cause the escort to decide to take whatever she can find before walking out.

Even an honest escort will grab your cash if you’re passed out and your wallet is just sitting there.

Don’t Show Off

I’m not sure why, but a lot of guys try to show off to an escort. They’ll flash money or brag about crypto accounts or other valuables. This may make you feel like a baller, but you’re setting yourself up as a target.

Just act normal around an escort, you don’t need to impress her. If she comes back to your room, make sure you lock up any valuables. The point is you don’t want to provide any incentive for the escort to go to the dark side.

Anyone can turn from honest to a thief in the right situation, escorts are no different. Remove the risk and you can better enjoy your time that you paid for.

What If It Goes Bad?

If you hire escorts enough times, you’ll eventually have a bad experience. Either you’ll get scammed, robbed, or she won’t deliver on what was promised for whatever reason.

In most cases, assuming you didn’t get physically injured, you’re best off just chalking it up to the adventurous aspect of living this sort of lifestyle. Consider it a lesson learned and move on.

If you got robbed or scammed for a lot of money, you can report it to the police. Believe it or not, the Las Vegas police heavily side with tourists, even in cases where the tourist was obviously hiring an escort.

There are countless stories of escorts who robbed tourists and the police tracked the escort down for months. So they do take it seriously if the money amount is high.

Just be aware that you will have to give your name and there will be an official report. You don’t have to admit you were hiring an escort and you can simply say you met the girl at the casino. However, you are talking to the police so if you lie that could be a problem.

This is why it’s best to just walk away from a bad situation with an escort unless she somehow managed to steal a large amount of money, which does sometimes happen if you don’t follow the other tips in this article.

Finally, never get in a fight with an escort. If you catch her stealing money or something, you can ask for it back. But if she runs off, just let her go and either call the police or forget about it. Never get into a fight with an escort or the situation can quickly spiral out of control.

Additional Tips For Vegas

The biggest advice I can give people when it comes to escorts in Vegas is to not try to force something that doesn’t seem right.

Too many guys try to set something up last minute with an escort they just met or some shady service advertising in town. The warning signs are all there, but they want to make something happen and they end up having a really bad experience.

When it comes to escorts or strip clubs, you’ll have a lot of “what could have been” moments. What I mean is, you can meet a super hot girl in a casino, but there are a few warning signs so you pass on the chance to make something happen.

You may wonder what could have been and maybe she was really that hot and only charging $150 for the night. You have to just accept that’s part of the lifestyle and you have to pass when it seems too risky.

Vegas is a gambling town and smart gamblers size up the risk-vs-reward before putting their money on the table.

Escorts are no different.

If you’re planning a trip to Vegas, make sure to check out our Ultimate Vegas Strip Club Guide. Every strip club is fully reviewed along with VIP rules for each club so you can have the exact strip club experience you want.