5 Tips For A Sugar Baby Relationship To Actually Work

If you’re reading this article, you likely have some experience with strip clubs, strippers, and maybe even hanging out with an escort or two while in Vegas.

But maybe you’ve considered what it would be like to have a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship with one of these women. It seems like it could work out well and be a carefree relationship where everybody gets exactly what they’re looking for without any drama or commitment.

While that can happen, a lot of these relationships go south or simply don’t provide any benefit. 

To keep that from happening to you, I’m going ot list my top 5 tips to make a sugar baby relationship work. This is obviously aimed at guys, but if there are any ladies out there, this will be a good read too, so you understand where guys are sometimes coming from.

Tip 1: Don’t Start As A Sugar Daddy

The biggest mistake guys make is approaching a woman directly looking for a sugar baby. This means either announcing your intentions or using one of the sugar baby websites. Today, many of those girls looking for relationships have moved to regular dating apps like Tinder, so it happens there too.

But the reason this is a big mistake is that you never know if you and the woman have any basic chemistry together. Yes, this is a sugar baby relationship, but it needs to have at least a basic level of chemistry.

When you announce you are looking for a sugar baby before getting to know a woman, she’ll immediately act however she feels she needs to in order to hook you in and land a payday.

Once again, I understand that sugar baby relationships are based on a big amount of fakery, but they are only fun when there is a bit of chemistry and friendship underneath it all.

The way you do this is by just meeting and talking to a woman normally and seeing if anything develops. Do you text or flirt outside of the strip club or other places when there’s no money involved? If so, that’s a good sugar baby candidate.

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Tip 2: Never Give Money And Get Nothing In Return

Sugar baby relationships are transactional in nature; we all know that and are fine with it. Because of this, you have to remember that once you start giving out money or other payments without getting anything immediately in return, the woman can start seeing you as a one-sided transaction.

It’s just like a business deal. If one side is giving away everything, the other side starts to take more and more and have less respect for them.

The same thing happens with sugar babies. Once you give them money, pay a bill, and then don’t get anything in return, they lose respect for you.

This doesn’t apply to small amounts. For example, if you’re hanging out and she needs a little money for something. But all your main gifts and payments should immediately get something in return or after you got what you want.

What you want in return is totally up to you and is different for everybody. Some guys want a hook-up, while others may want social time hanging out. Whatever it is, get it each time before paying up.

This isn’t rude and actually helps to keep her respecting you. If she doesn’t like the arrangement, she can walk away at any time.

Tip 3: Avoid Set Payment Arrangements

This one is difficult as there are exceptions, but I always suggest guys avoid set payment arrangements. For example, a certain set amount per month, paying a large bill like rent every month, or a car payment.

The reason is that this violates my Tip #2 from earlier. You’re sometimes paying without getting something immediately in return, so the woman starts to feel she can play you.

One possible remedy for this is agreeing on what you get in return and making sure it never deviates. Although, that does make it a bit too transactional for some guys. For example, you get 4 hookups per month for paying a specific bill of hers, like rent.

I generally don’t suggest that type of thing as it puts the guy in a lower position. However, some guys like knowing exactly what they’ll get and maybe they meet a woman who feels the same.

So this can work, but in general I tell most guys to avoid it unless this type of strict arrangement really appeals to you and how you think.

Tip 4: When It’s Over, Don’t Spend More To Bring Her Back

Most sugar baby flings don’t last long. That’s just the nature of the game and you have to accept that going into it. This includes both sides.

However, a common mistake I see often is when the girl starts to get bored with the guy or the arrangement, the guy thinks if he spends more, she’ll regain interest.

Never do this. When it’s over, it’s 100% over. When you see the signs, move on, and don’t try to fix things. You’ll just waste time, money and end up in arguments and feeling bad.

It’s also not cool for the woman involved. If she wants to move on, just let her go. You’ll both be able to find someone new and have that initial excitement again.

So, never try to bring a sugar baby back with more money. This also includes competing with other guys for her attention.

Tip 5: Use Caution & Be Safe

I saved this for last because it’s not fun to talk about, but it’s very important.

Many sugar babies today are scammers or even worse. Not only that, many may work with boyfriends or pseudo-pimps who are trying to help them scam or rob guys they meet.

This means you have to be cautious and not let a pretty face and cute voice fool you. The cutest and most innocent-looking girls can be totally cold and hardcore scammers.

Worse yet, if they’re working with a guy or have ties to some loser guy, they may try to rob you by force, which can get ugly if it goes bad.

One tip I always give is to NEVER show off in front of your sugar baby. I know a lot of guys like to do this, but it’s stupid and sets you up to get robbed. Only show what you need to and never talk about how much money you have or show her expensive things she doesn’t need to see.

First of all, this will trigger her to rob you if she’s a scammer. Second, she will start to want more money if she thinks you’re wealthier than you actually are.

Finally, try to know who the woman your dating is hanging around with. Don’t be paranoid or spy on her, but if you notice some loser guys or sketchy girls in her circle, you need to be careful or walk away.

I know a few wealthier guys who do a quick background check when they first start a relationship with a sugar baby, just to look for criminal records and other red flags.

That’s up to you, but either way, always pay attention to your instincts when you play this game, because after all, it is a game and anything can happen.

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