Las Vegas Sugar Baby Relationship Turns Sour. Man robbed of $50,000

Just another warning for you guys looking to pay to play, especially on apps or via websites.

A man in his 50’s made contact with a young woman on a website dedicated to “sugar-baby” relationships. The two arranged to meet up in Las Vegas in exchange for money.

The first day of the trip, the man apparently passed out after having too much to drink. So the woman and the man met again the next day, then attended a U2 concert.

While at the U2 concert, the young woman said she needed to use the bathroom. However, she left the concert and allegedly went back to the man’s hotel room to rob the safe of $50,000.

How did she get in the safe? The man gave her the code earlier in the night so she could put her purse inside.

This is another reason why men have to be careful in Vegas, especially with girls they just met. There are lots of great girls willing to party in Vegas, but you can’t be stupid.

Keep an eye on your money and never get too drunk.

Next, avoid being flashy. Flashing money or jewerly attracts thieves and robbers. Also, if you are wealthy, you may not realize you are being flashy.

The point is, always keep it low-key when looking for girls in Vegas. Acting like a high-roller will attract the wrong type of girl who is only looking to rob you.