Another Vegas Trick Roll at Caesars Palace – Be Careful & Watch For The Signs

This is the thing high rollers and even low rollers have to look out for. It’s just that the high-rollers seem to lack the street smarts to know when they’re about to get trick-rolled.

For those that don’t know, trick rolling is when an escort/prostitute tricks a guy into going back the his room under the pretense they will have sex.

However, the girl’s only intention is to rob the guy with the hopes he will be too embarrassed to report it to the police.

They also sometimes prey on those who look like they’ve had way too much to drink and then wait for the guy to pass out soon after they arrive at the room. Then they grab everything and dip out.

That brings us to the latest trick roll to make the news in Las Vegas.

Two girls at Caesars Palace were able to spot a mark who was carrying $125K in cash, along with a sweet Rolex on his wrist. No word on whether the cash was from a jackpot or just his bankroll.

But either way, these clever girls convinced him to take them to his room. Soon after, he passed out and they made off with the cash and the Rolex.

The girls were caught, but it’s common for them to get away clean. I think what got them in trouble was they stole all the cash. If they just grabbed $5K, the guy probably would have just kept quiet and chalked it up as a lesson learned.

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