Was That Girl That Talked To Me An Escort | Vegas Bar Stories

Vegas is a wild place, especially the world-famous Las Vegas Strip.

I’ve even heard some people compare it to a spaceport from a science fiction novel where the rules of regular society are all different and people come to indulge their vices in giant, windowless buildings.

While that description may be a bit hyperbolic, there is an underlying truth to it. The Las Vegas Strip is nothing like your neighborhood bar or main street.

That applies when meeting women in Vegas if you happen to be a single guy on vacation or a business trip.

Unlike your local bar, everyone in Vegas is on vacation. Nobody is out just to have a drink and then go back home to sleep for work the next day. Everyone is out for a good time, and everyone has their own idea of a good time.

This means many women are willing to approach guys and try to start some kind of interaction. However, Vegas is also well-known for escorts who wander around just about every casino.

How can a single guy on business know the difference between a regular woman and an escort?

This comes up A LOT when talking to guys who visit Vegas alone. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, but mostly, it’s just because guys don’t have enough experience.

If a girl in a casino flirts with you, here’s how to tell if she’s an escort or just being very friendly.

She’s Alone At A Casino Bar

Although some women do visit Vegas alone, it’s much less common than for guys. Women generally go out in groups when visiting Vegas, even on business.

If a woman is totally alone and slips you a phone number, there’s a good chance she’s an escort.

Of course, regular women do this as well when they’re a little shy. But this is one factor to look out for.

She’s Friendly With The Bartender

If the girl flirting with you knows the bartender or the bartender knows her drink/habits, then she’s likely an escort.

Escorts build friendships with the bartenders where they hang out and look for clients. If she’s buddy/buddy with the bartender or he knows her drink, she likely works that bar a lot.

She Asks If You Have A Room

Most escorts don’t want to waste time with any locals who may be at the casino. Vegas locals know all about escorts and are usually not looking to hook up.

If she asks if you have room at the casino early in the conversation, she’s likely an escort.

Also, a regular woman looking to hook up will probably want you to come to her room as she will feel more safe there. She also likely won’t mention that so early in the conversation.

Interacting With Other Girls

This may seem like a contradiction since I said earlier to watch out for girls alone.

Escorts generally know most of the working girls in the bars and casinos they hang out at. You may see a girl talking with another girl and then moving on, or maybe waving to a girl as she walks by.

This is another sign she may be an escort.

Barely Playing The Slots

Most working girls hang around casino bars. The casino bars all have bartop slot machines. If you play the machines, you get comped drinks.

If you see a girl sitting at a slot machine but barely playing, playing minimums, or constantly checking her phone before she talks to you, that’s a good sign she’s there to meet clients.

Especially if the bartender keeps giving her drinks despite her obviously not playing.

If a girl like this flirts with you, just be aware of what you’re getting into.

What Should You Do If Approached At A Casino Bar?

What you do is totally up to you, but you want to keep a few things in mind. Feel free to engage in light conversation at first to get a feel for where things are going.

If you have no interest in dealing with an escort, let her know immediately if you suspect she is one. Don’t be rude, just explain you aren’t looking for anything right now. She’ll appreciate you not wasting her time and won’t find it rude.

Girls like this are looking for willing clients, not guys to convince.

As for how to handle things if you want it to go another direction, well, that’s a whole different article.

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