How common are hooker scams in Las Vegas?

Las Vegas is known for a lot of different things, and most of them revolve around various vices like gambling, drinking, or sex.

When it comes to sex, the first thing people think of in Vegas is hookers. The town is known for hookers and the state of Nevada is the only one in the nation that allows legal brothels (although not directly in Las Vegas).

But just like everything in life, scammers and crooks have to ruin a good thing.

As famous as Vegas is for hookers, it’s just as famous for hookers that scam and rob tourists.

But exactly how common are these scams? Keep reading and we’ll give you the straight answer.

Yes, Hookers In Vegas Will Rob You In Vegas

I won’t mince words here, hookers in Las Vegas will rob you if they get the chance. That doesn’t necessarily mean every hooker is out robbing people, but the percentage is pretty high.

Of course, there’s no way to scientific method to prove what percentage of hookers are robbers and scammers. But based on experience in this town and talking to countless “clients”, the number is at least 50%.

Yes, about half the hookers in Vegas are actively scamming or robbing guys they meet.

Basically, if you talk to 2 hookers in a casino, at least one of them was going to try to steal your watch, upsell you until you just give up, or worse.

What Makes You An Easy Target For Hooker

There are a few things that the Vegas hookers like to look for when choosing someone to rob or scam.

The Drunk Guy

This shouldn’t come as a surprise and it’s one of the most common targets for hookers. Girls are always on the lookout for guys who are well-dressed, alone and are obviously way too drunk.

These dudes are easy targets and the girls try to get these guys back to the room where the guy will usually just pass out. Another trick is the girl will tell the guy to go to the ATM first before going to the room. This way he has a pocket full of cash when he finally passes out back in the room.

The girls will generally try to order a few shots before heading to the room as well, knowing it won’t take much to put the guy to sleep.

The Flashy Guy

Plenty of guys in Vegas love to flash to cash around while in the casino. The problem is, many of the hookers are friends with casino employees. If a guy is alone and throwing cash around, it won’t be long before a hooker gets wind of it or one of her friends texts her.

She’ll swoop in and try to get the guy back up to the room. If she can’t get him drunk beforehand, she usually asks him to take a shower before they have any fun. While he’s taking a shower, she’ll grab his cash, watch, or anything else and run.

The guy comes out of the shower ready for action, but all he finds is he’s been robbed.

The Nice Guy

Unfortunately, hookers usually scam the nice guys. A nice guy is a business tourist and likely a decent guy, he just wants to have a little fun with a casino girl.

This guy will buy a hooker a drink and treat her like she’s on a date. The problem is, when they get back to the room, she keeps stringing him along.

This is called the upsell, and girls generally do it to “nice guys” because they don’t fear the guys will get mean or angry. They also figure nice guys will go along with it since they don’t want to disappoint the girl.

Now, I’m not saying to be a jerk, but if you’re a nice guy, watch out and be on your toes around Vegas girls.

The Foreign Guy

Vegas is an international city and there are tons of foreign guys flying in from all over the world to gamble and get wild.

The hookers love these guys because foreign guys may not be able to pick up on the little signs that an American guy would.

Plus, foreign guys usually travel with more cash since they don’t have American bank accounts to withdraw from while in town.

Finally, if they scam or rob a foreign guy, he’s not going to stay in the country just to press charges against a hooker. He has to get back home so he usually just chalks up the robbery as a learning experience.

More Tips To Not Get Scammed

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