Are There Brothels in Las Vegas?

One misconception you often hear from people is that Las Vegas has brothels or legalized prostitution.

While Vegas does have a lot of wild adult activities, brothels are not legal in Las Vegas. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t brothels in Nevada. There are also other businesses similar to a brothel that operate somewhat in the open within Vegas city limits.

Read on to learn more about brothels in Nevada and what kind of sex businesses exist near the Las Vegas Strip.

Brothels in Vegas

There are no legal or legitimate brothels within the city of Las Vegas. For a brothel experience, you have to travel a few hours outside of the city.

Currently, there are only 19 operating brothels within the state of Nevada. They are scattered across the following cities.

  • Carlin
  • Elko
  • Wells
  • Battle Mountain
  • Mound House (yes, that’s a real city name with brothels)
  • Mina
  • Amargosa Valley
  • Crystal
  • Pahrump
  • Sparks
  • Ely

What’s the closest brothel to Las Vegas?

The closest town to Vegas with legal brothels is Pahrump. It’s about an hour away from Vegas by car or just over 60 miles.

Pahrump is home to the world-famous Chicken Ranch and Sheri’s Ranch.

What about sex clubs in Las Vegas?

While not brothels, you can find sex clubs within the city of Las Vegas. Two popular options are The Green Door and The Red Rooster.

These are more like swingers clubs, although in the case of The Green Door, there are a lot of single guys there instead of couples. This makes it more of a viewing or exhibitionist type of scene instead of a true swinger setting.

Both of these businesses are legal and operate in the open. Anyone over 21 years old can attend and there is generally a cover charge.

Massage Parlors In Las Vegas

Finally, we come to massage parlors. Yes, massage parlors do exist in Las Vegas. In fact, there are quite a few scattered throughout the city.

While some of these places do offer legitimate massage services, some also offer “enhanced” services. These massage parlors that offer extras mostly operate in the open although they are illegal…at least technically.

Massage parlors are pretty easy to find and many are within 15 minutes of the Vegas Strip.

Where Can You Find Escorts In Las Vegas?

Since there are no brothels in Vegas, you may be wondering how people find escorts or sex workers in town.

One of the most common ways is at a casino. Many sex workers hang out in and around Vegas casinos. They are often referred to as casino girls and you can spot them pretty easily.

If you’re a single guy, they will likely come up to you if you’re alone and gambling or having a drink.

There are also several websites that escorts advertise on, although these can contain scams and fake escorts, so buyers beware.

Finally, there are escort services in Vegas. They sometimes advertise on cards or even on the side of trucks that drive up and down the Vegas Strip. While these services do technically offer “escorts”, they are known to be scams that often quote one price but then demand more money once they show up at your hotel room.

If you want more information on avoiding scams when looking for fun in Las Vegas, make sure to check out our newsletter. It’s filled with the latest adult nightlife information and tips to avoid being ripped off while in town.